What to Look for When Purchasing a Cleaver Or
Cleaver or Knife?
Just because a Chinese cleaver looks like a
western butcher's cleaver doesn't mean you can
use it to chop bones. Heavier cleavers are
designed for this. However, the primary function
of lighter cleavers - often called a Chinese
Chef's Knife - is slicing meat and vegetables.
Chopping bones with these lighter cleavers can
ruin the blade.
Choosing a Cleaver
Ask two experts to name their favorite cleaver
and you will get two different answers. Like ice
cream flavors, choosing a cleaver is a very
personal decision. The most important thing is
to find one that is well made.
Henckels ,
Dexter and
Wüsthof are all good brand names.
Your comfort level is also important. The
cleaver should feel solid, but not too heavy. If
your arms feel strained when holding the
cleaver, try another. Preparing dinner shouldn't
be hard work!
Nicholas Zhou (Author of "Real
& Healthy Chinese Cooking")
recommends you buy woks from the following
Buy Cleaver
Buy Knife 