Serves 3 to 5

Fried Rice
4 cups cold cooked rice
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
4 tablespoons canola, corn, or peanut oil
1/2 cup thinly sliced
scallions or
diced onion
1 teaspoon thick
soy sauce*
1 cup fresh peas, parboiled, or thawed frozen
1 cup diced carrots, parboiled or thawed frozen
1/2 cup diced cooked ham, chicken, turkey or
1 cup fresh bean sprouts
Place the rice in a large bowl and use your
fingers to break up any lumps. Set aside. Beat
the eggs in a separate bowl with the salt and
pepper. Set aside.
Pour the oil into a wok or stir-fry pan and
place the pan over medium-high heat. When the
oil is hot but not smoking, add the
they should sizzle. Stir for about 15 seconds.
Stir the beaten eggs into the pan with a spatula
and scramble until the eggs are dry and
Add the rice to the eggs and mix thoroughly.
Pour the
soy sauce evenly over the mixture. Add
the peas, carrots, ham, and bean sprouts. Stir
constantly until all the ingredients are well
mixed and heated through. Serve the fried rice
*Available in Asian markets. You can substitute
soy sauce, but you will need to add more
than 1 teaspoon to get the same dark color.
Fried Rice Nutritional Breakdown per serving
(based on 5 servings, and substituting
soy sauce
for the thick
soy sauce):
384 calories (kcal); 15 g Total Fat (23 percent
calories from fat); 11 g Protein; 51 g
Carbohydrate; 82 mg Cholesterol; 711 mg Sodium;
4g Fiber. At three servings the calorie count
per serving climbs to 640, with 38 percent
calories from fat, and the sodium count jumps to
1185 mg.
More delicious Chinese recipes are available in ChineseFoodDIY's cookbook
"Real & Healthy
Chinese Cooking".