Learn how to beat
your urge to indulge and lose weight
Overeating is
easy to do. And when you do it, you're in
good company. The average number of calories
Americans eat daily has risen from 1,854 to
2,002 over the last 20 years, according to
government statistics. An extra 148 calories
a day translates into a 15-pound weight gain
each year. Shave those extra calories, and
you could lose that amount of weight. You
just need to be more aware of how often and
how much you eat.
Here are the
four situations in which you're most likely
to eat too much without noticing. To find
out which one is your pitfall, keep a food
diary for one week. Every time you eat, make
a note of the time, your location, what you
eat, and how you feel. Look for the
situations in which you eat mindlessly. Then
follow our experts' easy tips on how to get
back in touch with your body so you can lose
How Not to
Overeat When You're
Why Stress Makes
You Eat Too Much: You overeat
when you feel stressed to prevent yourself
from feeling bad. Food becomes an easy way
to distract yourself from uncomfortable
feelings, at least temporarily, says John
Foreyt, Ph.D., a medicine and psychiatry
professor at the Baylor College of Medicine
in Houston. And stress doesn't have to be
negative to trigger over consumption.
Research has shown that positive stress,
like anticipating a wedding, can cause you
to overeat in an effort to calm your
What to Do to Stop
Stressed-Out Snacking: One of the
best ways to stop overeating is to take a
10-minute walk outside instead, says Foreyt.
Doing so will help your body produce
endorphins, feel-good brain chemicals that
can counter feelings of stress.
stressful periods, allow yourself to sit
quietly and eat your meal slowly--however
long that takes you, advises Geneen Roth,
the Santa Cruz, Calif.-based author of
When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up a
Chair (Hyperion, 2001). Sitting down and
taking extra time is a great way to make
yourself feel calmer so you're less apt to
go for seconds.
What to Do to Avoid
Future Stress Binges: The key to
avoiding stress-based eating is learning to
distinguish stress from hunger, says Foreyt.
Next time you're hungry, notice any sensations
in your stomach, throat, or mouth. Then,
whenever you reach for food, pause to check for
those sensations.
Once you've mastered distinguishing stress
from hunger, focus on ways to deal with stress
more effectively. Think about the cause of your
stress, and take steps to reduce it. For
example, if you're missing deadlines at your
job, work on time-management techniques.
Extend your 10-minute walk to an hour-long
one, advises Foreyt. Adding exercise to your
daily routine is a sure-fire way to lower your
stress level.
In addition to exercise, practicing regular
relaxation techniques can dramatically reduce
your daily stress. Foreyt recommends doing the
following 15-minute progressive relaxation
technique each day: Lie down on the floor or sit
in a comfortable chair. Tense and then relax
each part of your body one area at a time. Start
with your toes and end with your scalp.
How Not to
Overeat When You're
Why Socializing Makes
You Eat Too Much: Experts say that
one of the biggest reasons you eat more when
you're socializing is that restaurants and
parties tend to offer an overabundance of
delicious food, making it more difficult to
limit yourself to reasonable portions. You feel
obliged to eat everything on your plate, no
matter how much it is, says Michael J. Hewitt,
Ph.D., health and healing director at Canyon
Ranch Health Resort in Tucson, Ariz. And you may
not recognize when you're full while you're busy
talking with friends.
Drinking alcohol before a meal compounds the
problem. Not only is alcohol an appetite
stimulant, but it also makes you feel less
inhibited so you're likely to order more in
restaurants and take excessive helpings at
parties, says Hewitt.
What to Do Before
You Go Out: Experts emphasize how
important it is to anticipate the pitfalls
of eating out and to take steps to avoid
them. Don't arrive feeling famished. Have a
cup of tea or a piece of fruit before you go
out so your stomach feels less empty and you
won't be as tempted to snack on bread or on
hors d'oeuvres.
To keep
eating in check at a restaurant, call before
going and ask the host to fax you a menu.
Peruse the selections and choose a sensible
meal. Then stick to your choice once you get
to the restaurant.
How to Curb Your
Eating When You're Out: If you're
going to drink alcohol, have it with your
meal, not before. Instead, drink club soda
or a glass of water with lemon or lime
before eating. You'll think more clearly as
you order.
The simplest
way to counter the large meal sizes at some
restaurants is to reduce your portions as
soon as your plate arrives, recommends Diane
S., an active member of Overeaters Anonymous
in Boca Raton, Fla. (it's the policy of
Overeaters Anonymous not to give out the
complete names of its members). When the
waiter brings your meal, put a third or half
aside before you start eating and ask the
waiter to wrap it to bring home.
When you're
faced with a plate loaded with too much
food, remind yourself that this isn't the
only good food you're ever going to eat,
advises Hewitt. It's just as wasteful to eat
something you don't want as it is to throw
the food away, he says. And when you overeat
you have to waste time working off the extra
How Not to
Overeat When You're
Why Depression
Makes You Eat Too Much: Depression and food are related to each
other on many levels, says Deborah Kesten,
M.P.H., a nutrition researcher and educator
in Sausalito, Calif., and author of The
Healing Secrets of Food (New World
Library, 2001). First, eating certain kinds
of foods can make you feel low. Those high
in sugar and caffeine deplete your body of B
vitamins, low levels of which are linked to
an increased risk of depression. And when
you feel down, you're more likely to binge
on high-carbohydrate foods, like bread or
cookies, says Kesten, because they increase
production of serotonin, a mood-regulating
brain chemical. Finally, although humans
evolved eating with other people, many
Americans eat alone, which may increase
feelings of loneliness or depression and
lead to more overeating.
How to Break
Blues-Based Eating Habits: It's
crucial to learn to stop and ask yourself
why you're reaching for food, most experts
say. Realize that although food will
alleviate feelings like depression, says
Foreyt, the effect is only temporary. The
most effective way to counter feelings of
isolation when you're feeling down is to
reach out to other people. Talk to a friend
or family member, or write your feelings
down in a journal.
You can even use
your meal itself to connect with life, says
Kesten. She often advises depressed clients
to eat their meals with appreciation,
reminding themselves of the nutrients that
their food is providing as they eat. Eating
mindfully and truly appreciating the food
you're eating will make you less likely to
want another helping.
How to Keep from
Returning to Comfort Foods: Because depression is linked, in part, to a
deficiency in B vitamins, it's vital to eat
mostly whole foods (especially fresh fruits,
vegetables, legumes, and whole grains like
millet, barley, and oats), rather than
processed foods, which have few B vitamins,
says Kesten.
One study
found that meditation actually helps prevent
a vitamin deficiency, she says. Researchers
at Temple University in Philadelphia found
that people who meditated produced more of
an enzyme called alpha-amylase, which helps
your body use B vitamins. Mealtime can be
the perfect time to relax. Kesten recommends
the following meditation before each meal:
Sit at the table with your meal in front of
you, fold your hands in your lap, inhale
deeply, and exhale slowly. Do this three
times with your eyes closed or focused on
your food. Or say a prayer of thanks.
How Not to
Overeat When You're
Why Boredom Makes
You Eat Too Much: You overeat
when you're bored because you're looking for
stimulation, says Hewitt. In today's
fast-paced society, we're simply not used to
downtime. Food--with its color, aroma,
flavor, and ability to raise blood
sugar--provides stimulation.
How to Stop Eating
out of Boredom: To break the
pattern of eating when you're bored, you
need to switch gears and think about
something other than food. "I carry around a
rubber band and wear it on my wrist," says
David G., a group meeting leader at
Overeaters Anonymous in Del Ray Beach, Fla.
"When food calls me I snap the rubber band,
and it changes my thoughts."
If you're
bingeing out of boredom, consciously decide
to stop eating and call a friend. Talking on
the phone can be a great distraction from
food, says Diane S.
How to Prevent
Eating out of Boredom: Weight-loss experts agree about the obvious:
When you're busy, you're less likely to
think about food. So the trick is to find a
hobby or activity that doesn't revolve
around eating, and then schedule that
activity during the slow times in your daily
You may have
to go as far as making a list. Roth
recommends writing down non-food-related
activities that stimulate your senses, like
taking a bath or reading a magazine. Each
day for a week, practice at least one of
those activities for 15 minutes, so that you
learn to indulge yourself without food.
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