If you have a hard time finding
the herbs you need or just prefer to shop from home, use these ordering
tips from Sharol Tilgner, N.D., a naturopath in Pleasant Hill, Ore.,
and Eric Yarnell, N.D., a Seattle-based naturopath, to get the
best-quality products.
Watch for Red Flags.
Be alert as you search herb catalogs and websites. If a company boasts
miracle cures or products that heal every disease you've ever heard of,
pass it by. Likewise, be cautious of any company that sells only one
kind of product, like anti-cancer formulas. These companies are most
apt to be a sham, Tilgner and Yarnell say.
Know What to Look For.
Buy from a company that includes on its product labels Latin and common
names of herbs, the strength of each herb (this appears as a ratio on
liquids and as milligrams on capsules), and any warnings. Call the
company for this information if the website or catalog doesn't show the
Start with These
Great Companies. To get high-quality liquid extracts, bulk
herbs, and capsules sent to your house, Tilgner and Yarnell suggest
these three companies: Frontier Natural Brands (800-786-1388; www.frontierherb.com);
Herbalist & Alchemist (800-611-8235; www.herbalist-alchemist.com);
and Herb Pharm (800-348-4372;
Or log on to
the website of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA). This
trade organization sets quality standards for its members that the FDA
may soon require of all herb companies. The AHPA website offers links
to companies that conform to its standards.
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