Written by: Erin O'Donnell
Taken daily, multivitamins protect your
health. Our experts tell you how to choose
the right supplement.
If you only have time today
to do one thing to protect
your health, take a
multivitamin. A Harvard
study published last year in
the Journal of the
American Medical Association
reviewed 30 years of
supplement studies and
concluded that when taken
daily, multivitamins can
help you prevent diseases
including heart disease,
cancer, and osteoporosis.
Experts agree that they're
an effective and inexpensive
way to stay well. To help
you choose a high-quality
vitamin that meets your
needs, we gathered this
advice from six supplement
Demand 100 Percent of
When you look at the
"Supplement Facts" panel on
the label, you should see at
least 100 percent of the
daily value of some
important vitamins,
especially vitamins B6, B12,
C, D, and E and folic acid.
(The "daily value" is what
the government calls its
recommended daily dose.)
Vitamins B6, B12, and folic
acid appear to reduce heart
disease risk; vitamin C
boosts immune function and
may protect against heart
disease; vitamin D protects
your bones and may prevent
cancer; and vitamin E could
cut prostate cancer risk. In
fact, a few of these
nutrients are so important
that for optimal health some
experts suggest you take
more than 100 percent; for
details, see related
"How to Pick the Formula You
Mindful of Minerals
While you should expect your
multi to offer 100 percent
or more of certain vitamins,
this doesn't necessarily
hold true for minerals. If
you do see 100 percent of
the daily value of most
minerals on the label,
you'll probably also see
that you need to take
several pills a day. That's
because some minerals, like
calcium and magnesium, are
so bulky that manufacturers
could never fit your entire
daily dose in one pill, says
David Schardt, senior
nutritionist for the Center
for Science in the Public
Interest, a nutrition
watchdog group in
Washington, D.C. If you
choose a one-pill-a-day
multi, it won't have all the
minerals you require. You'll
need to take additional
calcium and magnesium
supplements to get 100
Don't Overdo A
The vitamin A in
multivitamins usually comes
from two substances:
retinol, sometimes called
preformed vitamin A, and
beta carotene, a plant
chemical your body converts
to vitamin A. One of these
substances, retinol, has
come under scrutiny. Recent
studies found that people
who consumed around 5,000 IU
of retinol daily had reduced
bone density or increased
hip fracture risk. The
problem is that most
multivitamins contain 5,000
IU of vitamin A, and a large
part of that usually comes
from retinol.
What should you do about
vitamin A? Jane Higdon,
Ph.D., research associate at
the Linus Pauling Institute
at Oregon State University
in Corvalis, Ore.,
recommends that you choose a
supplement that contains no
more than 5,000 IU of
vitamin A and provides at
least 50 percent of that
amount as beta carotene,
which does not pose the same
osteoporosis risk as
Other experts say that
to play it safe, you
should choose a multi
with 100 percent as beta
carotene and no retinol.
If you're a smoker or
are regularly exposed to
cigarette smoke, studies
show that synthetic beta
carotene could increase
your lung cancer risk.
(Natural beta carotene
hasn't been tested, but
it could cause the same
problem.) In that case,
you may want to take
separate supplements
instead of a multi so
you can skip vitamin A
Watch Out for Iron
If you're a man or
menopausal woman, take a
multivitamin that's
iron-free. Some studies
suggest that too much of
this mineral could
increase your risk of
heart disease and
certain cancers. The
only people who need
iron include women who
menstruate (and shed
excess iron through
monthly periods),
vegetarians (who may not
get enough iron from
their diets), and
endurance athletes (who
may experience minor
bleeding in their
digestive tracts). If
you think you're iron
deficient, ask a doctor
to test you before you
supplement. If you
menstruate, choose a
multi that contains up
to 18 mg of iron.
Consider Special
Depending on who you
are, you may need extra
amounts of certain
vitamins and minerals.
If You're Older than
50: You could
require extra amounts of
vitamin B12. This
crucial nutrient
protects your heart by
helping to lower unsafe
homocysteine levels, and
a deficiency can trigger
irreversible nerve
damage. The daily value
of B12 is 6 mcg, but
many older adults lack
enough stomach acid to
absorb the vitamin
efficiently, says
Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D.,
professor of nutrition
at Tufts University in
Boston. For that reason
you may want to pick a
multi that provides 25
to 100 mcg of B12 daily.
If You're a Man:
Make sure you get enough
selenium to reduce your
risk of certain cancers.
The daily value is 70
mcg, yet a 1996 study
published in the
Journal of the American
Medical Association
showed that taking 200
mcg daily dramatically
reduced the risk of
lung, colorectal, and
prostate cancers. A
recently published
update looked at
additional data from the
1996 study and found
that women received no
cancer protection from
selenium supplements.
Steve Austin, N.D., a
Portland, Ore.-based
naturopathic physician
and co-author of The
Natural Pharmacy
(Prima, 2000),
recommends that men
choose a multi that
contains 200 mcg of
selenium (preferably
yeast-based selenium,
the form used in
studies) or take a
separate supplement that
provides 200 mcg. Women
shouldn't bother with
more than the daily
value, Higdon advises.
Seek Out
Some supplement
include herbs like
black cohosh or
nutrients like
acid (PABA) in their
Austin believes
you're better off
choosing a
supplement that
doesn't include
these extra
ingredients. "Often
the herbs that are
added are very
important herbs, but
if you look at the
amounts in a multi,
they're never
significant enough
to make a
difference," he
says. The same goes
for nonessential
nutrients like PABA
(considered by some
to be part of the
vitamin B complex).
The research so far
suggests that the
trivial amounts of
PABA and other
nutrients in most
multivitamins are
certainly harmless,
but most likely
useless, Austin
Find the Small
Skip any
multivitamin that
doesn't have an
expiration date or
lot or batch number
on the label. The
expiration date
matters because
"vitamins and
minerals can degrade
over time," Blumberg
says. You're more
likely to get the
nutrient amounts
listed on the label
if you use your
multi before it
expires. Don't buy a
bottle that has more
pills than you will
take before the date
passes, he adds.
Lot or batch numbers
mean that the
company tracks the
supplements it
makes, explains Paul
Domp, N.D., a
physician who
reviews the quality
of all supplements
used or sold at the Bastyr Center for
Natural Health in
Seattle. These
numbers are one sign
of a careful
company; they allow
the company to
recall a supplement
quickly if there's a
problem with the
product, like
ingredients, he
Domp also
recommends that you
search the label for
a statement of what
the multivitamin
doesn't contain,
like artificial
colors, binders,
corn, dairy, eggs,
hydrogenated oils,
preservatives, soy,
sugar, or wheat.
Allergies and
sensitivities to
these substances are
common. If you have
a sensitivity, these
ingredients could
cause inflammation
in your digestive
tract, possibly
reducing the
nutrients you
absorb, Domp says.
If you're a
vegetarian, look for
a statement that the
supplement is
Get a Form that
Suits You
Multivitamins come
in several forms.
The best for you
depends on your
needs, Domp says.
Tablets and
capsules, the most
common forms, are
convenient to carry
and take. Capsules
tend to be smaller
than tablets, so
they're easier to
swallow, but you may
need to take several
a day to get the
same amount of
nutrients found in
one tablet. On the
other hand, although
tablets hold the
most nutrients, they
require binders to
hold them together,
so they may not
break down as easily
as capsules.
People with poor
digestion or those
who can't swallow
big pills may do
better with liquid
or powdered
multivitamins (which
you mix with water
and drink). These
don't require as
much work from your
body to digest, Domp
Chewables are
another option if
you can't swallow
pills, but they
often contain lots
of sugar to make
them palatable. Domp
advises that you
look for chewables
sweetened with
fructose or stevia.
The bottom line?
Choose the form
that's easiest for
you to take every
day. Studies show
that you need to
take a multi daily
for years to protect
against ailments
like heart disease,
says Annette
Dickinson, Ph.D.,
vice president of
scientific and
regulatory affairs
at the Council for
Nutrition, a
supplement trade
group in Washington,
Look for
Quality Marks
Finding one of
the following
four quality
seals on your
multi means it
meets high
standards. But
you shouldn't
ignore bottles
without a seal,
because these
quality programs
are relatively
new and only an
estimated 50
companies that
sell multis have
undergone the
testing to earn
a seal. Also, a
company can pass
one of these
programs but not
use the mark on
its label.
These four
organizations or
companies offer
quality marks:
seal from the
Association (NNFA),
a nonprofit
trade group in
Newport Beach,
Calif., signals
that the
company adheres
to good
practices (GMPs).
A company with
GMPs tests its
raw materials to
confirm what
they are, keeps
careful records
so all
ingredients and
products can be
tracked, and
standards of
cleanliness at
its plant. For a
list of the
companies NNFA
has certified,
or call
A mark from NSF
International, a
organization in
Ann Arbor,
Mich., confirms
that the
supplement maker
follows GMPs.
But the seal
also means that
tested the
product and
found that it
contains what it
should and
properly. To
search a
database of the
products NSF
has certified,
USP: The
mark from the
United States
Pharmacopeia (USP),
a nonprofit,
organization in
Rockville, Md.,
means the
company follows
GMPs. It also
signals that the
USP has run
tests on the
product and
confirmed that
it contains what
the label says
it should. To
find out which
products it has
certified, visit
Consumer Lab:
This testing
company in White
Plains, N.Y.,
supplements to
confirm their
ingredients and
ensure that they
properly. A seal
from Consumer
Lab does not
mean that the
supplement maker
follows GMPs.
Unlike the other
programs, this
one is not
Consumer Lab
usually tests
products because
they're widely
available. But
some companies
do volunteer to
have their
products tested.
You can visit
and pay a small
fee to read its
If the brands at
your store don't
carry any of
these marks,
pick a brand and
call the company
that makes it,
Domp says. Ask
to speak to
someone in the
department, and
inquire if the
company follows
GMPs. If it
does, ask if the
company has been
audited to
confirm it's
sticking to
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